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¿Is my hair going to fall out?

Throughout history, hair had significance in women´s life. It is directly associated with the beauty and youthfulness of women. Many women feel that a bad hair day equals a bad day. Every woman craves for long, shiny, straight and smooth hair. Women can speak a lot via their hair and hairstyle. But what happens if my hair going to fall out? It is one of the first questions and also one of the first things that affect us emotionally and psychologically.

First of all, hair doesn´t fall out from cancer, it will fall out from some chemotherapy treatments; Not everyone lose it away. When those results are ready, the treating Oncologist will tell you whether the hair will fall out or not. There is chemotherapy treatment that will not necessarily make hair be lost away.

This is information that cannot be known at first moment. All of this, from the moment you receive the diagnosis, takes a little time between appointments, hospital visits, medical processes and examinations, until reaching the moment of talking about the treatment, which will focus on your specific case; already with biopsy results.

Be patient. Chemotherapy treatment will be determined by biopsy results. And the biopsy partly determines the type of cancer. Until now you won't be able to know more. When those results are ready, the treating doctor will tell you whether the hair will fall out or not.

Why does hair fall out? What does Chemotherapy do?

Chemotherapy drugs are powerful drugs that attack fast-growing cancer cells. Unfortunately, these medications also attack other fast-growing cells in the body, such as those in the hair roots.

At this point one is already in a tremendous mental struggle and anxiety is not left out. In order to manage this I understood and knew that I needed to depend on God in every step of the process. But you don´t have to be confused, understanding something and putting it into practice are two different things, however I literally saw the need to force myself to block my negative thoughts, I made radical decisions based on this, for peace and joy for my life and for the beloved ones. Sometimes it worked and other times I got lost in my pain and broke in tears.

Little by little in my times of prayer, the Lord led me to understand that it is not possible to depend on Him in some things and not in others. Thinking carefully, we cannot tell God that we believe in him, that we love him, and that we trust him only when things are going good. The fact is that what we believed will be put into trial in the hardest moments, because that is where our life rests. But the life of relationship with Him will always lead you to practice. And I was right there.

Each person processes and assimilates everything in their way. With Cancer, everyone is stopped, suspended, stagnant, at this point the diagnosis has been recent and one is not able to think, analyze, and decide. You have to try understanding what is happening in emotional and psychological terms as well, because until you are able to get out of the shock and the mental struggle it will take control It helped me a lot to read about psychological and emotional processes and for some reason I was struggling to get out of that episode where I was totally trapped and disarmed. My mind was constantly wispering me that everything was lost.

But not all is lost. Everything may be lost when one decides not to fight, when one gives up. In my case I lost my hair, but not before trying two short cuts. In the next Post you will be able to know a little about my experience of losing it, recommendations and some suggestions; also different hair cuts that I decided to try.

How and when will hair fall out?

It begins to fall out gradually around the second week of chemotherapy, there is a sensitivity on the scalp that in some cases increases over the days, without being too problematic. Some people don´t lose everything and others lose them radically by the end of the third week. Those people who do not lose everything lose more than 50% to 70% and some people prefer to keep the hair how is left. Other people prefer to wear wigs and in my case I decided to shave it, it felt more comfortable and with fewer heat problems.

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I leave you some pictures.

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